September Parent Page
Georgia Natural Gas Fundraiser
If you are a customer, visit the website TODAY and designate our school. So far, we have earned over $1200. We need all our parents to do this!!
Scholastic Orders
Ms. Julie has sent home the first Scholastic Book order form for the school year. Scholastic offers inexpensive books for children through this system and also has an online ordering opportunity. This program is a great way to build your in-home library with good quality books.
Consignment Sale
Thanks for volunteering and for shopping at the sale. We hope you had fun and found lots of bargains.
September 11 Red, White & Blue Day
We are all wearing Red, White and Blue on Wednesday, September 11 in honor of our country. Classes will be making patriotic projects in class. If your child does not attend on the 11th, see your class calendar for an alternative day.
Children’s Choir and Ladies Bible Study
It’s not too late to sign up for either of these activities as advertised in the August Parent Page.
So far we have learned about “Building the Boat” in chapel. We’ll continue learning about Noah and the Ark during September. Your 3 and 4 year-olds may be coming home singing about Noah. Please follow up with stories at home. This is a great lesson in learning to listen and obey!
Please contact Kayce Bailey when you have questions at Extended day charges for 2’s are not on this bill.
Substitute teachers
We occasionally need a substitute in our classes. If you would like to be on the list, please plan to attend the orientation meeting. We have scheduled a 30-minute orientation meeting on Thursday, September 5 or Friday, September 6 at 9:15 in the Atrium of the Keheley Center (inside the front door/glassed in area). If you attended last year you do not have to come again. We will keep you on the list if you just send us an email.
Health Forms and Immunization Forms
Please have them in to the office by September 30. We will send out personal reminders if we have not received yours.
Toilet Training and Bathroom Time
We are working very hard to get all our young 3’s and 3’s in the habit of using the toilet. Please follow-up at home!! When your child is able to ‘go’ in our toilet we need for you to make sure he/she also goes in YOUR toilet! Think how much you’ll save on pull-ups and diapers!! Please back us up – we want all our 3’s to have this skill. Once everyone in the class can do it, it frees up the teachers to spend more time on other fun activities.
For all ages, it would be very helpful if you would make a point of taking your child to the bathroom immediately before leaving home for school. Also, please help us instill the habit of washing hands after bathroom visits! If you walk your child in, please include a bathroom/wash hands session. We advocate using a hand-sanitizer as soon as possible after picking your child up so that germs are not brought home from school.
Special Activities
We will be starting Science Camp this month with our 3’s and 4’s as well as Art Camp with our 4’s. We will also experiment with a new session this month offering hands-on faith and values lessons for our 4’s; Ms. Regina, the Children’s Ministries Director will conduct a short session with our 4’s one day this month. We started Spanish with our 3’s and 4’s last week and all the students are enjoying our music classes.
Speech and Language Milestones
If you have concerns about language or articulation development in your child, please contact Helen or your child’s teacher. This is one of the areas we watch closely and we feel it is vital that a child receive speech/language therapy EARLY if there are concerns. A little therapy early in life will head off lots of problems later. The school system offers free services to children approaching 3 or older. You will have a quicker response from the school system early in the school year as well so don’t delay.
Dates to Remember:
School Holiday this month: 9/2 Labor Day Have fun and be safe!
October Holidays: October 3 – 8 Cobb School Holidays
T-shirt days: September 9th and 24th.
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