March 2014 Parent Page
Registration Update
Our classes are filling up! Thanks for all your recruiting help. We will be continuing new parent tours this spring; it is always rewarding to see the response of new parents to happy students engaging in fun activities.
Also, if you have a friend who is a realtor or if you are a realtor, we would like to give you a ‘realtor packet’ with brochures to share with families that are new to our area.
Chapel this Month
We are continuing the stories about Jesus. Next month we will have some lessons about Easter. We approach the Easter Story carefully with young children and emphasize the message of joy in the resurrection. Children always enjoy the stories about Jesus – like meeting Zachaeus & the Loaves and Fishes miracle that we are sharing this month.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Our room moms and preschool board have organized a week to show our teachers how special they are. Your class room mom will be contacting you with details. The week of March 17 - 21 is Teacher Appreciation Week this year. Look for a packet of information in your child’s bag with specific ways to participate!
Potty Training
If your child is approaching 3, this important milestone should be on your agenda. Please set aside several days to consistently work on potty training with your child. Just think how much money you will save on diapers!! We are hoping that all our 3’s start the 2014-15 school year in regular underwear. Spring - summer is prime time for working on this skill.
Preschool Sunday
The church has asked us to reschedule Preschool Sunday. It has been moved on the calendar to April 27. Please note that date on your calendar. We would like all our 4’s to be there to sing for the congregation. Ms. Cindy is working on songs with classes. We’ll send you more information closer to the date.
Healthy Snacks
Our Healthy Green Schools consultant has been sharing information regarding healthy food choices. When you are choosing foods to bring for snack or to feed your child at home, be careful to avoid food that is contaminated with pesticides or made with genetically modified ingredients.
If you can’t always buy organic you may want to consider organic for foods that are considered “the dirty dozen” - which include some of our favorites like strawberries, blueberries, apples and grapes. Non-organic is fine on “the clean 15” which include cantaloupe and watermelon. Avoiding pesticides is especially important when feeding small bodies since they are affected more dramatically than adults! Learn more at EWG.Com.
What’s Important in the Early Years
There is more than just intellectual development that goes on in early childhood. A new book is making an impact in not only parenting & education circles but the business community. It was recently reviewed in the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough argues that the qualities that matter have to do with character: skills like perseverance, curiosity, grit, optimism, and self-control. The idea of childhood as a race--the faster a child develops skills, the better he does on tests, the better he’ll do in life, is less relevant - although we still want our preschoolers to learn specific pre-academic skills.
What we are more concerned about is our students’ character. We want them to be able to get over disappointments, to calm him/herself down, to keep working at a puzzle even when it’s frustrating, to be good at sharing, to feel loved and confident, full of a sense of belonging and be able to deal with failure. Character, even more than IQ, is what leads to real and lasting success.
Aside from all the other useful skills we teach, character building is the main goal of our preschool, too.
School Photos
Our photographer will be here March 19 and 20th. He will take individual and class photos. Ms. Bev, Ms. Pam & Ms. Julie’s classes as well as those classes that come on M/W will have pictures taken on Wednesday, March 19. Ms. Victoria’s class and T/Th classes will be on Thursday.
Yearly Evaluation
We will be sending home an opportunity for parents to evaluate our program after spring break. You will see some forms in your child’s bag to complete and send back. Please take a few moments to give us feedback – we value what you think!
Our classes are filling up! Thanks for all your recruiting help. We will be continuing new parent tours this spring; it is always rewarding to see the response of new parents to happy students engaging in fun activities.
Also, if you have a friend who is a realtor or if you are a realtor, we would like to give you a ‘realtor packet’ with brochures to share with families that are new to our area.
Chapel this Month
We are continuing the stories about Jesus. Next month we will have some lessons about Easter. We approach the Easter Story carefully with young children and emphasize the message of joy in the resurrection. Children always enjoy the stories about Jesus – like meeting Zachaeus & the Loaves and Fishes miracle that we are sharing this month.
Teacher Appreciation Week
Our room moms and preschool board have organized a week to show our teachers how special they are. Your class room mom will be contacting you with details. The week of March 17 - 21 is Teacher Appreciation Week this year. Look for a packet of information in your child’s bag with specific ways to participate!
Potty Training
If your child is approaching 3, this important milestone should be on your agenda. Please set aside several days to consistently work on potty training with your child. Just think how much money you will save on diapers!! We are hoping that all our 3’s start the 2014-15 school year in regular underwear. Spring - summer is prime time for working on this skill.
Preschool Sunday
The church has asked us to reschedule Preschool Sunday. It has been moved on the calendar to April 27. Please note that date on your calendar. We would like all our 4’s to be there to sing for the congregation. Ms. Cindy is working on songs with classes. We’ll send you more information closer to the date.
Healthy Snacks
Our Healthy Green Schools consultant has been sharing information regarding healthy food choices. When you are choosing foods to bring for snack or to feed your child at home, be careful to avoid food that is contaminated with pesticides or made with genetically modified ingredients.
If you can’t always buy organic you may want to consider organic for foods that are considered “the dirty dozen” - which include some of our favorites like strawberries, blueberries, apples and grapes. Non-organic is fine on “the clean 15” which include cantaloupe and watermelon. Avoiding pesticides is especially important when feeding small bodies since they are affected more dramatically than adults! Learn more at EWG.Com.
What’s Important in the Early Years
There is more than just intellectual development that goes on in early childhood. A new book is making an impact in not only parenting & education circles but the business community. It was recently reviewed in the Atlanta Business Chronicle.
In How Children Succeed, Paul Tough argues that the qualities that matter have to do with character: skills like perseverance, curiosity, grit, optimism, and self-control. The idea of childhood as a race--the faster a child develops skills, the better he does on tests, the better he’ll do in life, is less relevant - although we still want our preschoolers to learn specific pre-academic skills.
What we are more concerned about is our students’ character. We want them to be able to get over disappointments, to calm him/herself down, to keep working at a puzzle even when it’s frustrating, to be good at sharing, to feel loved and confident, full of a sense of belonging and be able to deal with failure. Character, even more than IQ, is what leads to real and lasting success.
Aside from all the other useful skills we teach, character building is the main goal of our preschool, too.
School Photos
Our photographer will be here March 19 and 20th. He will take individual and class photos. Ms. Bev, Ms. Pam & Ms. Julie’s classes as well as those classes that come on M/W will have pictures taken on Wednesday, March 19. Ms. Victoria’s class and T/Th classes will be on Thursday.
Yearly Evaluation
We will be sending home an opportunity for parents to evaluate our program after spring break. You will see some forms in your child’s bag to complete and send back. Please take a few moments to give us feedback – we value what you think!
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